Caring for your Pets, Large and Small
Serving Summerville and Surrounding Areas
Experienced & Dependable Pet Care for Horses, Dogs, Cats and Critters
Dog Walking
Play dates and potty breaks while you are at work or taking a day trip. If they need to get some extra energy out while you take a zoom call, we can help with that as well!
Pet Sitting
No one can predict what could happen while you are away. You need to know a responsible person is making the right decisions for your pets and providing the companionship they deserve.
Barn Sitting
Neigh Care has 4 sitters with equine backgrounds. We understand equine behavior & nutrition. Our equine experience sets us apart. We know when something might not be right and we can handle the situation accordingly (ie colic/foundering/hoof abscesses etc)
Why Choose Neigh Care?
A recognized member of Pet Sitters International Association and National Association of Professional Pet Sitters
Insured & Bonded by The Business Insurers of the Carolinas
Certifications from USC Aiken including Equine Nutrition, Health & Disease, Hoof Health, and Equine Behavior
Amazing Reviews
“Trustworthy” “On Time” “Capable” “Smart” “Hardworker”
We work as a team
Your pet has a primary sitter as well as a team of others if for any reason your sitter has an emergency come up
You’ll receive visit notifications complete with pictures! We also keep pet profiles in our software that are simple for you to update if changes are made to their routine.
Reserving your Pet Care is Simple!
Review our Services & Rates
Review our Services & Rates to confirm we offer the care your pet needs. We do not offer boarding or grooming. Because of the nature of full-day/overnight care, please be sure your pet meets our criteria for these services
Submit a Service Request
Submit a Service Request to tell us about your pet(s), where in Summerville you’re located, the dates you are needing care and if there are any behavioral/medical notes that would be important to know when determining which sitter(s) will be the best fit for your pet.
Meet & Greet
Neigh Care will text you to set up a Meet & Greet with your pet’s primary sitter and a Team Lead to get to know you and your pet’s routine before the dates requested